
3 Months
14 Pounds Lost

While I have always been physically active, a recent career change, travel and entertaining for work, and relocation contributed to me being out of shape, lethargic and overweight. Poor eating habits were becoming my new normal and I was just not myself. With the New Year approaching, I made a resolution to lose weight. I tried going it alone and did what I had always done – going to the gym for hours at a time, lifting lots of weight and really exhausting myself only to go home and eat simply because I worked out “really hard”. Two hours in the gym looked and sounded impressive but after several weeks I realized that I was just making myself tired.

Ty worked with other clients in our local gym and he conveyed a combination of patience, toughness and his program was challenging but not intimidating. My goal was to lose 15-20 lbs., strengthen my core and gain stamina. Ty created a customized program that included a meal plan that included nutritionally rich foods that tasted good and refocused my training to 45 minutes of focused cardio and strength training. Today I have lost the weight, gained energy and have stamina that I haven’t had in some time. I am finally ready to take my training to that next level and can’t wait for TyBody to take me there.

Begin your own


Whether you’re looking to gain muscle or lose weight, our fitness experts can get you to your fitness goal. Take the first and most important step in reaching that goal by scheduling your in person or virtual fitness assessment.